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One-time giveaway campaigns
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Written by OMNI Team
Updated over a week ago


You can create campaigns to engage your customers on a one-off basis with one of the two campaign formats

  • 2x/3x points campaign - offering a special points earning ratio during a defined period

  • One-time giveaway campaign - bulk issuing bonus points or a grantable reward to a selected group of customers

This article will explain how to set up the latter, One-time giveaway campaigns.

If you want to learn more about creating 2x/3x campaigns instead - read this article

Creating a one-time giveaway campaign

One time giveaway campaigns can be accessed under the one-time giveaway campaigns tab inside the campaigns page.

To create, click on the Create button on the top right corner > select "One-time giveaway campaigns" and choose one of the following giveaway types

  • Bonus points - Issuing a fixed amount of points

  • Free reward - Issuing a grantable reward

Option 1 - Setting up for bonus points

Choosing "Bonus points" will allow you bulk issue a fixed amount of points to the selected group of customers. You are able to configure the following:

  • Campaign name - Used to identify the campaign in the admin interface and is only used for internal reference only

  • Points - Input the amount of points to issue

  • Point transaction description - Write a short description to describe why the bonus points were issued. This will be surfaced on the "Points history" page and is visible to the customer.

If you have more than 1 language enabled for OMNI, you will need to fill in all languages for the transaction description

  • Eligible customers - Select the customers that will receive the bonus points, you can select:

    • All customers - All customers in your loyalty program will be eligible

    • Selected tiers only - You can select at least 1 and at most all tiers, customers in the selected tiers will be eligible

    • Specific segment - Select a Shopify customer segment you have setup, all customer within that segment will be eligible.

You must have at least 1 customer within your selected eligible customers to start the campaign

Option 2 - Setting up for free reward

Choosing "Free reward" will allow you bulk issue an existing grantable reward to the selected group of customers. You are able to configure the following:

  • Campaign name - Used to identify the campaign in the admin interface and is only used for internal reference only

  • Select reward - Select an active grantable reward that you have created previously to issue. The details of the reward will be surfaced after selection.

If you don't have any active grantable rewards or can't find the reward you want to grant, you need to create it as a grantable rewards first. Read here to learn more on creating a grantable reward

  • Eligible segment - Select a Shopify customer segment you have setup that is less than 10,000 customers in size , all customer within that segment will be eligible.

If you are trying to mass issue a reward to more than 10,000 customers, we recommend using a static discount code issued via your email marketing solution instead.

Starting your campaign


Once you have setup the details for your one-time giveaway campaign, you can click "Start campaign" and confirm the details.

The campaign will immediately begin to issue rewards or points to customer until done. This cannot be paused or stopped - so make sure you have double checked your settings before starting the campaign.

If you hare using Klaviyo or Shopify Flow - you should be aware that a “Reward Issued" or ”Points Added" Klaviyo flow / Shopify flow event trigger will be sent to all customers in this giveaway with the event type "giveaway_campaign".

If you do not want Klaviyo / Shopify flow actions (e.g., emails or SMS) from this campaign to be applied or sent to customers, you will need to configure your Klaviyo or Shopify flows to exclude this event type "giveaway_campaign" with conditional splits (conditions).

  • Klaviyo users - Read here on how to set up conditional splits

  • Shopify flow users - Read here on how to set up conditions

Granting state

Once a campaign has been started, you will see the campaign listed on the campaign page. If the campaign is still granting points or reward, you will see a granting status marked on the card.

Note - When there is an active one-time giveaway in the "Granting" status, you will not be able to begin another one-time giveaway campaign.

Completed state

When the campaign has been completed, the status will be shifted to Completed.

Customers should see

  • Points added to their account - with a record shown in their points history page

  • Reward issued to their account - customers can see the issued reward within their available rewards page

Merchants can see within the campaign details

  • The time of completion

  • The success and failed counts

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