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Ways to assign Grantable Rewards to customers' wallets

Explore non point based means to reward customers

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Written by OMNI Team
Updated over a week ago

You may already have a loyalty program with member tiers, points earning mechanism & rewards where customers can use points to redeem (i.e. Redeemable Rewards).

As it takes time for customers to accumulate points before they are eligible to get those redeemable rewards, you may want to explore if there's any other means to incentivise customers - issue "Grantable Rewards" to customers based on "event triggers" (i.e. what had happened/ what they have done - e.g. created a member account, purchased products of a specific collection of a certain amount, tier upgraded, submitted a review, more & more, etc.)

Who should read this article?

  • Merchants who want to drive more new members sign ups

  • Merchants who want to increase customers engagement & sales conversions

  • Merchants who want to offer rewards to customers based on their behavioral & transactional data

What exactly is a “Grantable Reward”?

  • Grantable rewards are rewards which merchants can create and directly grant to customers' wallets.

  • Customers shall login to "My Account" > "You have X rewards" to view and use the rewards. No more hassles (e.g. back and forth checking of emails to look for the issued discount code) & hence increasing conversions.

Types of Grantable Rewards

  • Free product reward (merchant can self create)

  • Order level discount (merchant can self create)

  • Product level discount (merchant can self create)

  • Other discount (e.g. Free Shipping discount) &/ External rewards / QR Voucher rewards (contact us to set up)

Rewards are indeed discount codes & follow Shopify discount combinations logic.

How to create a Grantable Reward?

  • Within "OMNI" app, go to "Rewards > Create grantable reward":

Way to grant rewards:

Detailed Steps:

a/ Welcome Reward

  • Step 1/ Create a grantable reward first

  • Step 2/ OMNI > Benefits > Edit Welcome perks > Enable Welcome reward > select the grantable reward you have created

🌟 Best Practice/ Client Stories 🌟

  • Swisse (Industry: FMCG, health supplements)
    - successfully drove up their no. of new member sign ups (33x higher vs monthly average) within 1 week after activating OMNI Welcome Reward feature!

    • Winning formula:

      • OMNI - set an attractive Welcome Reward e.g. free product

      • Pop up with clear call-to-actions (CTAs) e.g. OMNI floating widget/ Klaviyo

      • Marketing automation flow to send customers eDMs after they subscribed to newsletter & remind them to create account/ login to use reward

      • Ads - viral on Social Media & forums

b/ Birthday Reward

  • Step 1/ Create a grantable reward first

  • Step 2/ OMNI > Benefits > Edit Birthday benefits > Edit for each member tier > Enable Birthday reward > select the grantable reward you have created

c/ One-time giveaway campaigns

  • Use “One-time giveaway” to bulk grant reward or point;

  • For granting rewards via “One-time giveaway”, the customer segment should have at max 10000 customers.

    • No such limit for granting points.

Read here for the feature definition: 💡One-time giveaway campaigns💡

d/ Shopify Flows

Apart from Welcome Reward, Birthday Reward & One-time giveaway, you can also set up Shopify Flows to assign OMNI Grantable Rewards &/ Points to customers based on different event triggers for various business objectives, such as:

  • Drive member registration (increase member base)

  • Encourage tier upgrade

  • Drive collection sales & repeat purchase

  • Winback lapsed customers

  • Encourage first order purchase

  • Incentivise customers to purchase based on interest tag

  • Sell OMNI grantable rewards as an "All-in-One Coupon Bundle"

  • Drive traffic to retail store

  • Drive reviews submissions

  • Drive product subscription sales

Read here to see the details of how to set up each flow:
💡 Shopify Flows Library - Grantable Rewards &/ Points 💡

e/ Manual assign

If you want to manually issue a grantable reward to a single customer, you can

  • Search for the customer in "Customers" page > select "Issue rewards" > choose the "Grantable rewards" tab > select the reward & click "Grant reward"

By leveraging grantable rewards, merchants could effectively issue offers to customers straight into their wallet, fostering loyalty, engagement, and repeat sales.

Have questions in mind? Contact us at [email protected] and we are happy to assist!

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