Imortant notes
You will need an active subscription on the Wave Voucher app and at least one active API mode voucher setup to use this reward
If you want to send your customers a scannable QR code voucher as a reward, you can setup a Wave voucher reward. Upon redemption, the Wave voucher app will generate an unique QR voucher for the voucher product you selected and email that to the customer. Customers can also access the issued voucher directly in the OMNI customer interface
Customer experience
Getting the voucher
Customers can use points to redeem QR voucher rewards in the "Get rewards" screen. The QR voucher rewards are marked with a "For offline use only" message on the reward card.
Or customers can also be issued the QR voucher reward if it was set up as a grantable reward.
Upon receiving the QR voucher reward, customers will be able to access an unique QR code voucher within their "Available rewards" page on the OMNI customer interface.
Using the voucher
Customers can present this QR code voucher to staffs in offline locations to scan and redeem the content of the voucher. This reward cannot be used in the online store.
Archiving used or unwanted voucher rewards
Upon successfully scanning the QR voucher, the QR voucher will be marked as used if a customer access the QR code voucher again. However, the issued voucher reward will still be displayed on the customer's available rewards view until the set expired time.
Customers can archive used or unwanted voucher rewards from their available rewards view by clicking on "Archive" on their voucher rewards.
An archived reward can be unarchived by the customer in the "Past rewards" view - but only if it has not been deactivated by the merchant or expired.
Staff operation
Scanning the voucher
When a customer presents a QR voucher at your offline locations, the staff can scan the voucher by using either
The Shopify mobile app - By launching the Voucher (Omnichannel) app on the Shopify mobile app
Any camera app (an external scanner code required) - By inputting the external scanner code upon scanning the QR code to confirm
Deactivating used voucher rewards
Upon successfully scanning the QR voucher, the QR voucher will be marked as used if a customer access the QR code voucher again. However, the issued voucher reward will still be displayed on the customer's available rewards view until the set expired time.
To remove used voucher rewards from the customer's availalble reward view, you should go to the customer profile of the customer on the OMNI admin interface to deactivate the reward.
Creating a voucher reward
You need an active subscription of the Wave Voucher
You need at least 1 active API mode voucher created
Creating the API mode voucher for your reward
You may skip this step if you have already created the API mode voucher you want to set up the reward for
Within the Wave Voucher app:
Click "Create Voucher"
Select the product you would like to make into a voucher.
If you don't have a product created for the voucher, you should create one in Shopify first. Read the notes below for more details.
Configure the expiry settings of the voucher and whether the voucher has its own T&Cs
Select "API" in the voucher usage setting
If you cannot select "API" in the setting, contact us to enable the feature for you
Click confirm to finish creating your API mode voucher
Create a voucher product in Shopify
Each voucher must be linked to a product variant in Shopify. To create a voucher product in Shopify, go to Products within the Shopify admin and click "Create"
When creating the product, please pay attention to the below points
You MUST enter a SKU number for your voucher product variant
The product image you upload will be rendered on your QR code voucher
Creating the QR code voucher reward in OMNI
Within the OMNI app - navigate to the "Reward" page
Click Create and select "Redemable rewards > QR Code vouchers" or directly select "QR code voucher rewards"
Within the "Voucher" setting, choose the corresponding you would like customers to redeem from the list of API mode vouchers
Continue to configure the rest of the reward details by following the instructions on the interface
Click Save