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Shopify Flow action - Grant reward
Shopify Flow action - Grant reward
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Written by OMNI Team
Updated today

You can set up Shopify Flow with our grant reward action to grant eligible OMNI rewards directly to your customer's available reward view.


  • Shopify Flow should be installed on your store - free for all Shopify plans

  • At least 1 "Grantable reward" should be created on OMNI and must be active

Setup process

Creating grantable rewards

  1. Go to the rewards dashboard via the menu in OMNI

  2. Click create and select "Grantable rewards"

  3. Choose the reward type you would like to create

  4. Fill in reward details on the configuration page and click save

  5. Copy the reward ID surfaced on the screen

You can also see the reward ID later by clicking into the grantable reward you created on the reward dashboard

For more information on:

Setting up Shopify flow

  1. Open the Shopify flow app

  2. Create a Shopify flow and set up the triggers and conditions based on the reward scenario you would like to reward

  3. Connect the "Grant reward" action but selecting "Actions > OMNI Loyalty & Rewards > "Grant rewards"

  4. Within the grant reward, fill in the relevant fields for your usecase

    1. Email (mandatory) - The email of the customer you want to grant the reward to. Use the customer email variable {{}} to dynamically grant reward to the email included in the trigger.

    2. Reward ID (mandatory) - The ID of the grantable reward you want to issue to the customer. Paste the reward ID you copied from the grantable reward created

    3. Note - Include a short description for this grant reward action to keep track in your internal reporting.

    4. Unique Token- Include an unique key for this grant reward action run. This will be used for deduplication. Read more below.

  5. When you are finished with setting up the flow, click "Turn on workflow" to start granting rewards using Shopify flow

If you want to learn more about creating Shopify flows, read the Shopify help article

Optional - Deduplication for Shopify flow actions

If you would like to prevent customers from being granted the reward multiple times via the grant reward action, you can utilize the deduplication mechanisms by filling in the Unique Token in the Shopify flow action.

OMNI will check the Unique Token against the customer email. If we detect that the customer already has been issued an reward with the same Unique Token, the consequent grant reward actions would not grant a reward.

You can also utilize variables in the to facilitate dynamic deduplication based on your use case. For example:

  • Include product ID in the Unique Token so subsequent reviews for the same product (with the same product ID) does not get a 2nd reward

  • Include customer ID in the Unique Token so subsequent orders from the same customer does not get a reward after the first order during the promotion period.

Triggering grantable rewards via Shopify flow

Whenever an active Shopify flow setup with the "Grant reward" action is triggered, the relevant actions within the workflow will automatically run, granting rewards to eligible customers based on your workflow.

When a grant reward action runs:

  • The configured grantable reward will be granted to the customer given that the reward, the customer, and deduplication parameters (if any) are all valid

  • Customers will see the grantable reward added to their available rewards page on the storefront

  • A Klaviyo event and Shopify flow trigger for "Reward Issued" will be sent with the type being "Shopify_flow_action" will be sent.

If you wish to or not to send out communications when this event happens, make sure you include or exclude the event type "Shopify_flow_action" within your automation flows triggered by the reward issued event trigger using conditional splits (conditions)

  • Klaviyo users - Read here on how to set up conditional splits

  • Shopify flow users - Read here on how to set up conditions

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