Shopify allows you to merge two customer profiles into one profile. If you choose to perform such merge action, OMNI is able to merge the two Shopify profiles' loyalty details into the consolidated profile.
This article explains how critical loyalty program information on OMNI is handled upon a Shopify customer merge.
Definition of profiles
When merging customer profiles on Shopify, Shopify will keep the customer profile which you have selected the email to keep and removing the other profile. In this article, we use the following terms to describe the two profiles
Source profile - the profile which you did not choose to keep it's email
Destination profile - the profile which you choose to keep it's email
Example - If I was merging the following accounts
Customer A ([email protected] / +852 1234 0000)
Customer B ([email protected] / + 852 5678 0000)
If I choose to keep [email protected] as the final email
Customer B is the destination profile - which will get all information from customer A merged into B
Customer A is the source profile - which gets deleted after merge
Points from orders
As Shopify combines orders of both account into the destination account, OMNI will reprocess all points from the order since the launch.
The destination account will earn points from all orders from both accounts, where the earning ratio will be based on what the merged customer should be in on the order date based on the combined orders.
Points from bonuses
Welcome bonus
If both the source and destination account have welcome bonuses - the one from the destination account would be kept in the destination account
If only 1 account has welcome bonus - that welcome bonus will be kept in the destination account
If neither account has welcome bonus - no welcome bonus is granted to the destination account
Birth month bonus
If both the source and destination account have birthday bonuses - the bonus and from the destination account would be kept in the destination account
If only 1 account has birthday bonus - the bonus from either account will be kept in the destination account
If neither account has birthday bonus - no birth month or bonus is granted to the destination account
Tier update bonus - Based on the combined orders from both accounts, the timeline of the customer's tiers will be updated accordingly. Of which, we will re-grant the tier update bonuses according to the tier timeline of the customer.
Points from other sources
All points from other sources such as manual adjustments or Shopify flow actions will be combined and added to the destination account
Tiers and tier progress
Spending (Normal) tiers
As Shopify combines the orders of both account into the destination account, OMNI will reprocess all the orders since the loyalty program launch until merge to re-calculate the merged customer's new tier they should be in at the time of the merge.
Spending progress
Based on the new tier calculated and spending from all orders since launch, the spending progress until the next tier will also be recalculated until the time of the merge
Maintain progress
Based on the new tier calculated and spending from all orders since launch, the maintain progress will also be recalculated until the time of the merge
Custom tiers
If any of the 2 customers were assigned to a custom tier (tiers that are not entered through spending) during their lifetime, special handling would be done
If both accounts were assigned to a custom tier - The custom tier(s) from the destination account will be kept, with the same effective time as the original destination account
βIf only 1 account was assigned a custom tier - The custom tier(s) from the account that had it will be kept on the destination account, with the same effective time as the original account that was assigned the custom tier
Any orders placed before the custom tier is effective will grant points based on the earning ratio using the spending tiers calculated at the time of the order
Any orders placed after the custom tier is effective will grant points based on the custom tier's earning ratio
Imported tiers
If any of the 2 customers had a tier imported prior to the launch of the loyalty program, special handling would be done
If both accounts were had imported tiers - The imported tier from the destination account will be kept, with all combined orders calculating point earning and tier spending progress beginning from that imported tier
If only 1 account had a imported tier - The imported tier from the account that had it will be kept on the destination account, with all combined orders calculating point earning and tier spending progress beginning from that imported tier
Customer tags
Tier tags - will be retagged based on the recalculated tier that the merged customer should be in as of the merge
Birth month tags - will be updated to match the birth month data updated on the merged customer profile according to handling on birth month bonus above
Other customer tags - will all be merged into the destination customer profile (as per Shopify's handling)
Available rewards - Rewards that customers have redeemed and haven't used from both accounts will be available in the destination account's available rewards with the same expiration date from their repsective original accounts.
Past rewards - Rewards that customers have redeemed but are no longer available to use from both accounts will be available in the destination account's past rewards section with the same details from their repsective original accounts.
External integrations
Klaviyo - A Klaviyo event (customer/merged) will be sent to the Klaviyo profile of the destination account upon a successful customer merge to update their
tier expiry date
points balance
birth month
Shopify Flow - A Shopify flow trigger (customer/merged) can be triggred to update profiles of the destination account on your Shopify flow connected platform upon a successful customer merge to update their
tier expiry date
points balance
birth month
Domain verification
The verification status, domain and the customer tagging is combined upon merge:
If only 1 account has the verified status - The verified status for the domain will carry over to the destination account
If both accounts have the verified status - The verified status and domain of the destination account will be used.
Staff attribution
The staff binding of customers is combined upon merge
If only 1 account is binded to a staff - The combined account will be binded to the staff that was binded to the account
If both accounts are binded to staffs- The combined account will be binded to the staff that was binded to the destination account.
In case two separate staffs are binded to the two accounts, the staff binded to the destination account will prevail in the combined account.
The orders attributed will follow these behaviors upon merge:
Orders before the merge - will continue to be attributed to the original staff binded
Orders after the merge - will be attributed to the new staff binded based on the behavior of staff binding upon merge above.